Peaceful Playgrounds is a Strategic Partner with Let's Move in School. Please share the information below with your schools and network.DID YOU KNOW that regular classroom physical activity breaks can improve attention, classroom behavior, and test scores? Find out more....Let’s Move in School (LMIS) for 60 minutes before, during, and afterschool to improve health and academic performance! Join more than 1200 schoo…
As you know, this week marks the first anniversary of the launch of the First Lady's Initiative called, Let's Move! An important part of this week is the unveiling of multiple resources that are designed to let you work within your community on solving the problem of childhood obesity

Watch the video.

Check out the Let's Move in School Resources here.

Peaceful Playgrounds is pleased to be an organizational supporter of Let's Move i…
The recorded copy of the Let's Move in School Webinar and the Webinar slides are now on the Let's Move in School website. Almost 800 people participated in the Let's Move in School Webinar according to NASPE the event coordinator.

Why not sign your school up to celebrate Let's Move in School during National Sports & Physical Education Week, May 1 - 7. Sign up here: National Sports & Physical Education Week.